Preliminary Release Date...
How do!
Well, the publishers tell me that they are ‘on course’ to meet 9th December 2008 as a publication date, which means that ‘The Ninth Paradox’ will finally be available for order - hurrah!
I’m still awaiting details on turnaround times for delivery, but hopefully there is enough slack in the timescale to allow delivery in plenty of time for the festivities...
I’m so pleased and heartened by the supportive words that everyone has been sending me; thank-you and I hope that you can snuggle down over xmas with a glass of something warming and enjoy the book.  Perhaps by a roaring log fire, wearing ‘Wham!’ style large-knit sweaters whilst a bored relative  puts the capacity of the pedal-bin to the test with several compressed boulders of wrapping paper.  Maybe that’s stretching the seasonal vibe a bit...
Catch you later,
Thursday, 20 November 2008