Well folks, I'm still awaiting the final publication date for T9P; I'm assured it will be plenty ahead of Xmas, although the definition of ‘plenty’ is a dense fog of subjectivity.  Information seems pretty scant on the actual date or even a timescale; as long as it's not 11.59pm on 24th December, I guess...
I'm currently working on some concept art to beef up the trailer, hopefully to go on here sometime soon.  Animation seems to be my way of kicking back from writing and doing some visual work for a while.  As with the writing, I'm uber-self-critical (two hyphens?) about my animation, so whether it sees the light of day is another matter, but fingers crossed!
Anywho, to whet your appetites (if you have one), I thought you might be interested in the full bookjacket for 'The Ninth Paradox'.  I designed this on Adobe Photoshop, with the explosion designed on trusty Newtek Lightwave 3D v9.5 (also seen in the trailer).  That’s how it’ll look, in shiny 6x9 paperback form (sans watermark).
Enjoy and thanks for all the positive comments on the site so far (and all the hits!)...
Tuesday, 11 November 2008